Door to Improvement and Problem Solving

Get your evaluation progress of improvement and problem solved based project in one click!

"Your guidance website to assess and evaluate in solve problem and make improvement"

This website helps you to identify what steps that need to be undergoes in order to solve problem or make improvement.
This website also allows you to assess or evaluate your current progress of project. Here, you can view your score of project progress.
You also will be given some tools and techniques suggestion if your do not complete your steps.

Problem Solving is crucial to solve problems and making improvement process a success and continuously sustain through organization.
In order to making improvement and solving problem, it is necessary to use procedure or steps.
PDCA is commonly being used when making improvement and same with DMAIC. DMAIC is a procedure that being used in Lean Six Sigma project.

Continuous improvement is coming from the word continuous which is continuing without stop and
coming from the word improvement which mean the process to make something become better and high in quality.

In ASQ Website, improvement can be defined as improving products, process and services.
The improvement can be all at one time, one in a time or over time.
Others also state that improvement is the new approach to increase creativity and improve competitiveness between the organization.
Improvement also can be defined as the organization culture to preserve improvement by eliminate waste that exist in all process of organization.
In conjunction to sustain the improvement and success, the entire organization should work together without spending too much cost.
Apart from that, improvement process need to involve suitable tools and techniques to identify the potential causes,
determination of root causes, solutions identification and solution implementation.


Web Developer

Nur Afiqah binti Saadin


~ Mr. Mohd Amran bin Mohd Daril

~ Senior Lecturer UniKL MITEC


Bachelor of Engineering Technology in Quality Engineering



Why develop the website?

Sharing the details of improvement and problem solving project to the world

~ Procedure
~ Tools and Techniques
~ Assessment and Evaluation of project

Why develop the website?

Other than sharing the details, developer develop the website to achieve the objective that being set in Final Year Project